Changemakers on a Mission

We transform oral health by validating and scaling innovative solutions that can make oral health and health care more accessible, equitable, and integrated.

Our Motivation

For too long, oral health innovation has trailed overall health care advancement, especially for underserved and under-resourced populations. We are committed to changing that. We are transforming oral health and overall health by bringing new solutions to the communities that need them most.

Our Role

We evaluate and propel high-impact, mission-aligned solutions. We help scale validated concepts by anticipating and managing barriers to adoption and providing the insights, connections, and resources to maximize their reach and measurably improve people’s lives.

Our Roots

Joined by the mission to improve the oral health of all, CareQuest Innovation Partners is a for-profit subsidiary company of the nonprofit, CareQuest Institute for Oral Health. To learn more about the CareQuest Institute, visit